The Chronicles of Altaran
It's origin:
This story was born in arrogance, but redeemed by inspiration. I was reading the eleventh book in a New York Times best-selling fantasy series and was becoming so frustrated trying to keep all the characters straight and slogging through all the detailed descriptions that in exasperation I exclaimed, "I can do better than this!" My next thought was, Why don't I?
As I thought about it, I believe God directed me to write a story that would incorporate a Biblical world view, but that would foremost be a good read. I wanted my story to be more subtle in its world view than CS Lewis' The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, but more explicit than Tolkien's The Lord of the Ring series. I have never written a novel before, but the story flowed into my mind without much effort.
Summary of Book 1: Shadow Lord Rising:
Seventeen-year-old Ransom Cross, son of a cavalry officer, learns that he is the target of the Shadow Lord after assassins capture him. Delivered from them by a chance encounter, Ransom flees his captors and must discover the truth about himself. Befriended by allies and beset by enemies, Ransom races to the city of Talmor, seeking an answer from the High Priest and the Chronicles of Altaran. His difficulties are part of the war the Shadow Lord has begun against the races of Altaran, seeking to dominate and enslave all who oppose him.
The Chronicles of Altaran is a fast-paced fantasy adventure set on the mythical world of Altaran, created by Makir. The story explores the challenges faced in deciding whether to pledge allegiance to Makir or to the Shadow Lord.
Summary of Book 2: A New Destiny:
Ransom Cross and his friends, Yc-rem, Brother Andrew, and Hunter face new dangers from the Shadow Lord and his allies. Ransom discovers why he is the target of the Shadow Lord when he learns his identity. With that new identity comes a new destiny. Ransom must decide whether to embrace who he is and accept a mission to save Altaran from the Shadow Lord.
Meanwhile, Isolde, Princess of Commerce seeks to help her father, King Elias, preserve his throne against multiple threats.
Summary of Book 3: Forging the Fellowship:
Having discovered that he is the prophesied Khadosh Hechad from the Chronicles of Altaran, Ransom Cross searches for an Elf and Shinorb who will join him and Yc-rem to find and destroy the Shadow Lord. Their search takes them across the land of Altaran, exposing them to many dangers.
Meanwhile Isolde, Princess of Commerce, must prove that she did not kill her father and must obtain the throne of Commerce in order to thwart the Shadow Lord's plans for world domination.
Summary of Book 4: Facing the Shadow Lord
Ransom, Isolde, and the Fellowship must deal with betrayals and conflict among their allies as they fight against the combined enemy armies of the Shadow Lord. Brother Andrew faces his own crisis of faith while Isolde confronts her fears about losing Ransom. As Ransom, Yc-rem, Felicity and Frzzt fight assassins, the man-beasts known as gnortomen, and the Elfardim, they realize there can be no peace without facing the Shadow Lord.
Facing the Shadow Lord is the last book in this series.
The Map:
Here is the map of Altaran for those who have the e-book or wonder if they want to enter this world.