About Mark
I'm a pastor serving a church in Lake Jackson, Texas. Before entering the ministry I worked as a biologist at an environmental consulting firm. The Bible and biology both influence The Chronicles of Altaran. I tried to weave in theology, without preaching, and biology in the story. I enjoyed creating new animals and their environments. You will encounter draengar, hantavore, scion, malcrog, Frison bats, and other unknown creatures as well as the four races of Altaran: Shinorbs, Humans, Elves, and Ghorrim. My faith is also interwoven in the story. It is not obtrusive, but it is there. I am willing to interact with readers and potential readers. You can contact me at [email protected].
I'm a pastor serving a church in Lake Jackson, Texas. Before entering the ministry I worked as a biologist at an environmental consulting firm. The Bible and biology both influence The Chronicles of Altaran. I tried to weave in theology, without preaching, and biology in the story. I enjoyed creating new animals and their environments. You will encounter draengar, hantavore, scion, malcrog, Frison bats, and other unknown creatures as well as the four races of Altaran: Shinorbs, Humans, Elves, and Ghorrim. My faith is also interwoven in the story. It is not obtrusive, but it is there. I am willing to interact with readers and potential readers. You can contact me at [email protected].